

The timpani originated from the different forms of the kettledrums. The nakers from Arabic origin were found in medieval Europe. These developed into the European kettledrums, or timpani.
The xylophone appeared in Southeast Asia about the 14th century. It became highly developed through use in the Indonesian gamelan, or percussion orchestra.
The bell is know in all cultures around the globe. Its origin has not yet been determined fully, but it is known that they appeared in many ancient cultures.
The term bass drum has been used for two distinct instruments. The first had a short shell with a wide head. It can be traced back to the 14th century in Europe. This drum was known to the West as the Turkish drum until the 19th century.
Cymbals have been used in religious ceremonies since ancient times. They are thought to be of Asiatic origin. Different forms of the cymbals were used in the ancient East. They were in use in Isreal by about 1100 B.C., but they did not appear in Egypt until around 800 B.C.
The gong is believed to have originated in the Middle East or Southeast Asia. The earliest form of the gong resembles the kettle gong because it was apparently flat.
In ancient times wood and ivory instruments similar to castanets were struck together. Ivory and bone clappers were used in ancient Egypt. They are believed to be of oriental origin. Castanets came to Spain via Africa in the Middle Ages.