From Gina Newton: I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband and two kids (Oskar 11 and Jazmin nearly 9), two dogs, two cats and a variety of fish. I am a marine scientist by training with many years working in research and policy. I am especially passionate about marine science and the marine environment.
Blossom Possum
A dingo's got my possum
A dingo's got my possum

WHEN BLOSSOM POSSUM FEELS something hit her head, she thinks the sky is falling down and is determined to tell the Prime Minister. Setting off on her quest, she bumps into friends like Rocky Cocky and Toey Joey who join her on this important journey. Things get a bit hairy when they meet By-Jingo Dingo, who has very different plans for them…which involves giving his family a very tasty dinner of native animals!
This is a great re-telling of a classic children’s story with a delightful Australian twist.
Recommended for Age 2+