Each of the links below will open a new browser window:
Australia's Biodiversity
This is part of the Australian Museum's website. Find out about plants and animals that are part of Australia's many ecosystems.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Search the site for 'rabbits' to locate many resources including information on myxomatosis, environmental damage caused by rabbits, the rabbit meat industry and various control methods.
Curriculum Materials Information Service (CMIS)
The CMIS is part of the Department of Education, Western Australia. Visit the 'Technology focus' section to find links to resources listed by subject area. http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/cmis/eval/curriculum/index.htm
Environment portal
A gateway to Australian environmental websites in all states and territories.
NatureBase - Department of Conservation and Land Management
The 'Schools' section has resources for teachers and students, including one on the Western Shield program which protects threatened species. Visit the 'Plants and animals' section for information on native flora and fauna in Western Australia.
Pest Animal Control CRC
Find out about the latest research into 'Immunocontraception' - possibly the future control method for pest species in Australia; particularly rabbits, foxes and house-mice. www.pestanimal.crc.org.au
Search for great education resources developed by museums and galleries. Try using the keywords 'endangered', 'fauna', 'salinity' or 'environment'.
The State Barrier Fence of Western Australia
The history of the longest fence in the world - the Rabbit-Proof Fence. Part of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia website.
Vertebrate Pest Reseach Centre
Find out about the research into pest control undertaken at the VPRS.
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Visit the sections 'Environment', 'For Schools' and 'Diseases, Pests and Weeds' for related resources.
The Wheat Belt: Crop farming in Western Australia
A short story of the recent history of wheat farming, with agricultural objects from the collection of the Wyalkatchem C.B.H. Agricultural Museum and weblinks to useful sites.