Statistics data and others

  • A prefectural capital
    Naha City


  • The population of Okinawa as of September 1,1999
    The number of households:440,994
    (from the homepage of Okinawa prefecture)


  • Location
    You may find an arc of islands in a map of Asia stretching from the southern tip of Kyushu in Japan to Taiwan .
    Of these islands, Okinawa islands, Kerama islands, Miyako islands, Yaeyama islands, Daito islands, and Senkaku islands belong to Okinawa. Okinawa is in the subtropical oceanic climate zone, spreading from the north latitude24°02' to 27°51'N.


  • Number of Islands
    Okinawa prefecture consists of a mainIland Okinawa and fifty seven of solitary islands.
    (41 inhabited islands and 16 uninhabited islands are designated by the Okinawa Promotion Act)
    (as of April 1, 1995, from "Annual Statistical Data of Solitary Island" by Japan Center for Solitary Island)


  • Land Area
    The land area of Okinawa is about 2,267.48km2
    (from the homepage of Okinawa prefecture)


  • Climate
    annual average temperature 22.9°c
    annual highest temperature 33.5°c
    annual lowest temperature 9.5°c

    annual rainfall 1,797.4mm (from the homepage of Okinawa prefecture)