National Museum

Street address: Darulaman, District 6, Kabul, Afghanistan
Telephone: 93 (0) 752 014259
Proprietor: Ministry of Information and Culture - Department of Museums
Contact: Omara Khan Masoodi Director
Telephone: 93 (0) 700 290333
Contact: Mohammad Yahia Muheeb Zada Deputy Director
Telephone: 93 (0) 700 296655
Opening hours: 8am-12pm, 1pm-3.30pm Sat-Thu, 9-12am Fri

In time the collection included some objects excavated by French archaeologists from the Délégation archéologique Française en Afghanistan (DAFA), which was established as part of a bilateral agreement signed between the French and Afghan governments in 1922. Under the provisions of its establishment, DAFA had exclusive access to archaeological excavation in the country for 30 years, during which period finds were to be shared between the two countries.

Until 1952 the National Museum received a range of important archaeological finds from DAFA’s excavations. These included sculptures and frescoes from the Buddhist sites at Hadda and Bamiyan; architectural artefacts, bronze and ceramics from Ghazni; ivory, bronze and glass from Begram, north of Kabul, as well as architectural elements from Ai Khanoum on the banks of the Oxus river. These were supplemented by subsequent finds by archaeologists from Britain, India, Italy, Japan, the USA and USSR. So important was the collection that an international touring exhibition of key objects was organised in 1964.

By 1979 the National Museum contained an estimated 100,000 objects, some 600 of which were on display. In addition, it had a substantial coin collection and many objects of ethnographic significance. The collection was briefly put into storage in 1980 when the entire Darulaman area was designated a military zone, shortly after the leftist coup of that year. It was at this time that the museum staff dispersed parts of the collection to different sites in the city, during which process inventories were misplaced. Objects from provincial museums in Balkh, Ghazni, Herat, Nangarhar and Kandahar were also moved to the National Museum for safekeeping. The building narrowly escaped serious damage in 1990, when the adjoining Darulaman Palace, then used by the Ministry of Defence, was bombed during an attempted coup. Given the widespread insecurity across the country, little was added to the collection during the period of Soviet occupation which lasted until 1989, although some research on the collection continued.

During 1995 the ruins of the museum were stabilised and the stores again rendered relatively secure. Efforts were made at this time by several groups, including the Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage (SPACH), to disseminate information about lost items from the museum collection and identify objects that had begun to re-appear for sale in Pakistan and Europe. Although the Afghans involved in the dispersal of the collection before the conflict knew that important objects were still safe in Kabul, there remained a very real risk of further looting, so this was not made public at the time.

The overthrow of the Taliban in late 2001 saw renewed interest in the reconstruction of the National Museum, as part of the wider process of recovery. The building was re-roofed and in October 2004 formally re-opened by the President. Prior to this, the Bactrian Hoard and other valuable items were retrieved from the vault of the Da Afghanistan Bank, where they had been stored for safekeeping in 1980, and inventoried. Some 230 objects from this collection, as well as items from Begram, Tepe Fullol and Ai Khanoum, form part of the travelling exhibition Afghanistan, Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul, which has since toured France, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA. In 2007 the International Council of Museums (ICOM) distributed a 'Red List' of types of objects missing from the National Museum collection, aimed at making dealers aware of objects that might have been stolen.

In recent years the focus has been on developing the skills of staff of the Department of Museums in museum management, documentation and restoration, among other subjects. With support from French, Italian and Japanese specialists, some 2,000 objects have been restored to date, but the condition of many others in store is unclear.
Reform of the existing system of tahwildar (key-holders), whereby staff assume personal responsibility for a part of the collection, and the introduction of a curatorial structure has been a further issue. A major concern has been the provision of additional space for the storage, conservation and exhibition of the growing collections of the National Museum.

The National Museum houses the secretariat of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), Afghanistan.
National Museum Library